Introduction To Arduino


This first lesson in Arduino programming & circuit building covered:

  1. The basic structure of an Arduino program (setup() and loop())
  2. Waiting for a set amount of time using delay()
  3. Working with digital outputs (pinMode() and digitalWrite())
  4. Writing to the Serial console using Serial.begin() and Serial.println()
  5. Potentiometers (variable resistors) and how they can be used in a circuit
  6. Reading analogue inputs with analogRead()
  7. The use and importance of pull-up / pull-down resistors and the danger of “floating” pins
  8. Reading binary voltages with digitalRead()
  9. The operating principle of PWM and how it can be used to “fake” an analogue output voltage
  10. Using PWM pins on an Arduino with analogWrite()

In the end we made it through a number of Arduino tutorials with some additional content sprinkled in. Next week we’ll apply our newfound knowledge to a more complex project.

Getting Help

Even if you’ve missed the session, you’ll be able to ask questions about whatever, whenever on our Discord. Feel free to drop your question in the #bootcamp channel or just message an instructor directly.

Useful Links


I think that this recording is half decent, but you’ll have to be the judge of that! Roast me in the feedback form!


Don’t forget to fill in this week’s survey!